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Texas Mountain Laurel

What's that smell in the air?

The beautiful Texas Mountain Laurel "Dermatophyllum secundiflorum formerly known as Sophora secundiflora

Fragrant (grape bubblegum) violet-blue flowers in terminal clusters create a wonderful display in spring against the backdrop of shiny dark green foliage. This multi-stemmed evergreen is excellent for use as a large shrub or small tree. Slow growing and easily trained as espalier or a patio tree. This desert native thrives in warm, sunny, arid environments.

Light: Full sun

Water Once established, water deeply when dry.

Specs: Slow growing; reaches 15 to 20 ft. tall, 10 to 15 ft. wide.

Decidious or Evergreen: Evergreen

Maintenance: Very low

Hardiness: Super Cold Hardy

Sizes Available

15 gallon call for price.

30 gallon call for price.

45 gallon call for price.

65 gallon call for price.

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